contemporary artist

Category Archives: inspire

October 23 15 / day 295


It’s been some time since I even gave drawing any thought. I’ve been in the process of moving studio since the Pretty Portal Show and as such my art has been homeless and fleeting. A firm believer in the old … Continue reading

Posted in Daily, drawing, general, inspire


October 24 14 / day 296

Here be dragons

Here’s the start of the dragon painting from the sketch from earlier in the week. Still a way to go here and I’m looking forward to the finished piece. I’m really liking my new book on Japanese printing.

Posted in Art, Daily, inspire

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September 2 12 / day 245

Jane Ranstrom

Jane Radstrom makes some pretty amazing images, I’m surprised I only found her a few weeks ago. At the very least check out her tumblr.

Posted in inspire


September 2 12 / day 245

Interview with Jenny Saville

An enlightening and inspiring video interview with Nicholas Cullinnan and Jenny Saville at Modern Art Oxford. I was lucky enough to get down to Oxford to see the exhibition, listening to her talk about her process and inspiration puts the … Continue reading

Posted in Daily, general, inspire
